Sunday, November 8, 2015


We have been in a very deep hiatus of late. Part of it is my fault do to my preoccupation with other endeavors of which I am deep into. But I don't want to abandon our Avonlea adventures! Time has definitely past in our fictional world, so as we pick back up with our stories, I would like to apply this passing of time by completely skipping a season or two. I know...Sad. But the second half of the series is my personal favorite and one that I believe has much potential for original storylines and such. Therefore, we will go on to begin the stories from season four with the episode "The Lady and The Blade."

This being said, here are some major things that have happened virtually and that we are changing as we move forward.

1) Olivia and Jasper have been married for a time and have been expecting their first child. Little Montgomery Dale has just been born.
2) Felicity and Gus are slowly drawing closer after this past winter's ice fishing outing and near scare when they were lost to the woods. Felicity has returned home, letting the coveted scholarship at Kingsport Ladies' College slip away from her after lying to the board. Meanwhile, it has been rumoured that Virginia McRae whose scores came in second place at the Avonlea school might be up for the scholarship.
3) Felicity, Andrew, Sally Potts, and Virginia McRae are preparing to graduate from school.
4) Marilla Cuthbert will be with us longer than what RTA portrayed in the series to say in sync with our sister group's storylines.
5) The Pettibones are moving to Avonlea!
6) The episode "Another Point of View" will be combined with a coming storyline in the near future.

As the next weeks march on, I may add more to this list. Meanwhile, I hope this helps us spring forward into a new season of role playing. Have fun! And I hope you all, both players and spectators, can continue to join us!

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